
Guarding the Glitter: 8 Smart Ways to Minimize Wedding Ring Wear and Tear

Learn 8 smart ways to minimize wedding ring wear and tear without losing the eternal symbol of your love. From regular check-ups to avoiding contact with cosmetics, follow these steps to ensure the longevity of your ring.
Guarding the Glitter: 8 Smart Ways to Minimize Wedding Ring Wear and Tear


The wedding ring: it's an enduring symbol of your love that you'll wear every day - but daily wear can be tough on those precious metals and gemstones. So, here are some smart ways to minimize the damage, so your ring continues to shine for a lifetime.

1. Stay Hands-Off When It's Heavy Duty Time

The first rule on our list, folks, and we know it'll ruffle some feathers, is to remove your ring when gardening, doing dishes, or indulging in heavy physical work. It might sound like we're suggesting you betray your beloved band, but it's all for a good cause.

2. Ditch the Ring When Diving Into the Pool

And speaking of betraying the band, be mindful when diving into chlorinated pools or hot tubs. Blame it on those harsh disinfectants! They're excellent at sanitizing your pool but not-so-great for your wedding ring's health.

3. Let Your Ring Miss Your Morning Makeup

Makeup, skincare products, and perfumes might make you feel irresistible, but they can cause build up on your ring, dulling its shine. A simple solution? Just slip your ring off before you begin primping. The beauty routine will survive, gang - we promise.

4. Schedule Regular Polishing Sessions

This one is like taking your ring on a spa journey to renew its natural shine! An expert jeweler can professionally deep-clean your ring, renewing its glory - kind of like a facial, for your ring!

5. Maintain a ‘Ring Dish' in Every Room

Something as simple as a designated dish in each room can save you from potentially damaging surfaces. This way, your ring gets its own personal lounge to rest at while you go about those everyday tasks - now, how's that for VVIP treatment!

6. Pay Attention to Your Gem

Diamonds are a girl's best friend but they're also the hardest gem. Other gems might need more care to avoid scratches and cracks. A bit like having a pet, isn't it too?

7. Rinse It

Why not treat your ring to a rinse under clean, warm water now and then? Think of it as giving your ring a revitalizing drink. So, drink up, dear ring! But remember, drain stop is your friend here!

8. Entertain Regular Check-Ups

Remember those regular dentist visits when you were a kid? Well, your ring needs them too. Make sure to get it inspected regularly for loose settings or signs of damage.


That's a wrap, folks! Follow these 8 commandments, and your ring will be well-armed against wear and tear. You might not be able to safeguard it against all perils of the world, but hey, it's that constant vigil that denotes your undying love, after all.


  • Wedding Ring Care Tips: Expert Jewellers Best Advice. (2021, October 3). In The Diamond Store Magazine. Retrieved February 5, 2022.
  • Yoels, M. (2019). The Essential Guide to Jewelry Maintenance and Repair. New York, NY: HarperCollins.
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Wear and Tear